Acti-Zyme Serves Wastewater Systems Around the Globe
Watch the video below and learn from Jonathan Lee
as he higlights 9 sludge reduction projects!

Now Approved!
Acti-Zyme has been awarded a contract within the Wastewater Management Program at Canoe Procurement Group. All members of can now participate in the program and take advantage of the powerful treatment of Acti-Zyme within their wastewater system.
Rick Campbell - Inuvik, NWT

Acti-Zyme Desludging Solution
With Acti-Zyme’s AZSR Wastewater Lagoon systems can be desludged the way nature intended. AZSR is your cost effective sludge management solution.
Recent Projects

In September 2009 Acti-Zyme in partnership with Dave Kempen started the reclamation of the Chegutu, Zimbabwe, municipal sewage pond #3. The Town of Chegutu population has a population of 50,000, and this sy...
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In May 2018, the Town of Taber, Alberta, Canada encountered a problem that was not expected and that created an environmental problem that was going to be a significant expensive to resolve...
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The Town of Delburne, Alberta has a population of 830 people. The primary anaerobic cells were facing major issues. The inlet to the primary cells was blocked frequently with organic build up of biosolids. ...
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